Change The World

Published on by Christian Mathew Joseph

Change The World

God have created this world with plenty of resources for the people living on it. There were no divisions when the world came into existence. As population spread, classifications also spread. Man was divided into two main categories; The rich and the poor. Rich become richer and the poor become poorer. The real problem starts here.

The world thus came under the control of the upper class and they enjoy all the privileges, whereas, the poor are forced to face the hardships in their life. Is this justifiable? No, not at all. The primary responsibility of a human being is to love and care the people who are in need. But, is that happening? The greed for money and power are growing in an unpredictable manner and therefore, no one tend to care others due to their selfish needs.

How can we change the world? That is the answer that I would like to find out via this blog. I am expecting valuable inputs from all of you. I hope you can help me out. I have a self belief that I can change this world via the small things that I do.

Published on News and Society

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It is a very useful discussion. Best wishes for your endeavors. Thanks
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